**Sorry… Turns out this post is epic :) lots of pics and videos, but it’s because Mother Falcon and Jeffrey Prystowsky are just THAT awesome**
Mike has a real knack for finding “interesting” things for us to see and do. It’s a gift I tell you :) Our new favorite thing that he found is Mother Falcon. (photo from their website)
Mike discovered them when he saw the NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert featuring Mother Falcon… If you didn’t see it yet, here’s the video… Watch it and then come back :)
So… They’re a young Indie band… and unfortunately most of their shows are either 18+ or 21+ and in bars…. but our kids LOVE to listen to them. Mike searched around and found an all-ages show in Providence, RI and we got tickets!! (Tickets for the show were $12… What?? Yup!! And, that’s only the beginning of the crazy :) ) Friday right after school we drove down. Here’s the Marquis when we first arrived (early) and drove over to find the Columbus Theatre, stopped at the hotel, got some dinner and before heading back for the show…
The theatre is on the National Register of Historic Buildings, the show was in the smaller upstairs room. Doors opened at 8, show started at 9 and Mother Falcon took the stage at about 10. Here’s the marquis when we arrived after dinner.
Whoo!! Hands “stamped” :) on our way into the show!
Here’s a pic of the group on stage from our seats (please excuse the iphone pics, it’s not great in low light)
Kathryn took a video (again, just with the phone) It’s not a great video, but you can get the idea…
After the show, the members were hanging out in the lobby, selling t-shirts, and CD’s, and we got to talk to some of them for a little while… They were all so nice!! Really made Sean and Kathryn feel special!
So, after taking pictures and talking to Mother Falcon (did I mention how nice they were?? Just a bunch of band kids, hanging out :) ) Anyway, we’re leaving, and on our way out the door, Mike and Sean spot Jeffrey Prystowsky of The Low Anthem (another indie band that Mike and the kids LOVE) hanging out by the snack bar… So we walked up to him, apologized for interrupting, but we love his “This Goddamn House” song, could we bother him for a picture with the kids… What happened next was crazy… We didn’t get a picture, but an impromptu concert!!! He smiled, said, “Come sing it with me” walked over to a little pump organ leaning up against the stairs (which honestly looked discarded) and proceeded to sing and play the song for us!!! Crazy!!! He even called over one of his friends and did the “cell phone trick” I’m not sure we can ever go to another concert, ’cause it will be so disappointing to just go, listen, then go home without crazy amazing things happening :)
I took video of the performance… again, iphone isn’t great in low light… but you get the gist…
Here’s a video of the group The Low Anthem playing the song… No one pulled out a saw by the snack counter, but we did see the cell phone trick which was way cool :) Notice Jeffrey Prystowsky playing the same pump organ!!
Honestly… If you get the chance to go and see them… PLEASE DO!! Having been a music student myself, and teaching music for 23 years… I’m a little hard to impress… But they blew me away… The group is based in Austin, Tx, and practice/play in a church down there… (another funny thing, at the show we parked right in front of their white econo-van with Texas plates that they drove up in :) They are so good that we’re seriously considering a road trip to so see them in their “home base.” You all know we love a good road trip :)
They have a summer camp called “Music Laboratory” to teach Children about the creative process of making music and making a band. My daughter did it and really loving it. Your children may want to try it this summer.