In trying to decide what to “do” for Lent this year, I was listening to the priest at Mass, and he was talking about the 3 major parts of Lent… Prayer, fasting, and alms giving… Which got me to thinking, what do I want to focus on the most right now? I realized that I kept going back to prayer… So, for the next (almost) 40 days (I do realize I’m starting a couple days late)… I’m going to post either prayers or scripture readings that speak to me in some way. I will still be posting craft projects (especially from my fabulous upcoming 5 day quilting retreat!!!! Which I’m so excited about, but starting to get a little bit nervous about going away for 5 days not knowing anyone!!) but I’ll also be posting .
This first one is a prayer I come back to often and was found in the book “30 Days of Prayer with Mary”
4-To Pray and Ponder
Mary, pray that I might treasure life
Mary, Pray that I might ponder
How to defend life
How to see and hear beauty
How to affirm and share goodness
How to grasp and utilize opportunity
How to seek and proclaim truth.
Mary, pray that I treasure what I have
And ponder what I might become.
Don’t be afraid to go to your Quilter’s Retreat on your own. You are a very sweet, charming, and personable woman, and you will meet some women just like yourself, and you will make some new friends. Use this time to Quilt, rest, Knit, catch up on reading a good book, prayer
and reflecting on all your daily blessings, etc. The five days will go by very quickly and you will be recharged and refreshed to go back to being a wonderful loving Mother and Wife! Sometimes we need to take a Retreat to take care of ourselves and to reflect on our lives and what is important to us. Go have a little fun, too!