I cannot believe that we are starting a new year! Last year flew by so fast!! One of my goals this year is to slow things down… Enjoy the quiet (if I can find some) and find peace this year… Do you make New Year Resolutions? I usually make a few, and actually accomplish some :) Here’s what I’m planning to work on this year (knowing full well that it’s a work in progress)…
1. Go to the gym and lose enough weight that I can wear my wedding/engagement rings. Last year I put on enough weight to make my rings unwearable. I can’t stand the thought that I am going to stay “fat” so I can’t get my rings sized… I just need to get a bit healthier :)
2. My “52 to do project.” My goal is to make 52 scarves (or other warm things) to donate this year, one thing a week. More information on this will be coming soon as I chronicle the things I make!
3. Daily Audio Bible. I love to listen to the Daily Audio Bible, and for the last 2 years, I’ve made it all the way through to July, and then we go away for 2 weeks and I can’t catch up… This year’s goal is to make it all the way to the end of the year!
4. Just say no… I am busy, I have a full time job, a husband and 2 kids… Plus a crafting (crop) business to take care of. I am planning to simplify this year and remove as much stress as I can so that I can enjoy the things I do even more!
5. A Happy Jar… My sister posted this idea on Facebook the other day, and I thought it was brilliant! Find a jar (you know mine will be decorated at some point) and as happy things happen through the year, write them down and put them in the jar. At the end of the year, you’ll have a whole jar of the happy memories!! A brilliant and simple way to add more focus to the good!!
Happy New Year Everyone!! I hope 2013 brings you good health and happiness!!
Love your resolutions! I pinned that jar idea to try this year too. :)