I have a decidedly black thumb in general. I can kill nearly any plant I come in contact with, and unfortunately it’s not because of a lack of trying… BUT I am so happy about a couple of my green thumb accomplishments!! These are “my” peonies… They were elsewhere in the yard when we bought the house 12 years ago, They had been largely ignored when the kids were littler… some were in a very overgrown side bed, and some were also in the back garden (which my husband roto-tilled and I was still able to save them)… My Gram told me not to get my hopes up when I transplanted them because they can be finicky, she had some in her little front garden that just would never bloom (and she had the greenest of thumbs!). Anyway, like “my” iris, these peonies are the pride of my yard… And this year’s blooms were particularly stunning! Here are a few pictures from last week…