Today’s 10 is an Ode to a Very Special little girl, who’s very rapidly approaching “not so little.” I say it every year, but Holy Cow!! How is it possible that she’s 8 years old today??? I simply cannot believe that my “little” 9 lb 7 oz baby girl is rapidly going to be taller than I am!!! Doesn’t matter, I still call her “Baby” as a nickname :) even if she’s 4+ feet tall :) Here’s a few photos…
1. A digital layout I made with a “came home a couple days ago” photo… How sweet was she with her Heart Shaped head?
2. A photo from our “Traincation.” a visit to Strasburg PA to see the Train Museum…
3. Just before leaving for a little trip to the Butterfly Place… See that look in her eye? Yup, I’m in trouble…
4. A little trip to NH to see the leaves…
5. Apple Picking…
6. another digital layout, with some of my all time favorite pics… the girl LOVES to swing!
7. This past Easter… Looking like such a big girl…
8. Flying Kites (well, taking pictures and video of Daddy flying kites)
9.Checking out here video…
10. And… An annual trip to the mall, to get the “birthday” build a bear, and then on to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch… including, VOLCANO!!! with candles and everything (at Rainforest Cafe… A towering brownie sundae… and the entire staff yells… VOOOOLLLLLCCCAANNNOOOO! as they come toward the table… so fun!) Happy Birthday Baby!! We love you!!
Julie, I’m stalking you! :) LOVE your blog…and I can’t wait to scraplift you. hehe!!! See you tomorrow at the Super Bowl Crop!