Well… Friday or not, I’m going to go for a Thankful Thursday post today… It has been a wonderful summer vacation full of events and non-events, but seemingly crazy busy!! I have a new-ish obsession with all things fabric, and have cranked out 3 quilt tops and 3 bags in the last 2 weeks! The kitchen looks like a bomb went off with all the little snippets of fabric and thread all about… We’re interviewing for a new music teacher, so I’ve gone to those this week…
The VERY sad news from the week (that, for the record, I’m NOT thankful for) is that my laptop is officially dead… 2 days ago I got a “warning: Hard Drive Failure is Imminent” screen of death, and as of yesterday it won’t boot at all… THANKFULLY I got all my pictures backed up… I about had heart failure last night ’cause I’m not sure about my itunes… but at least my pics are safe, right?? Not sure what the hubby is going to do about the computer, but we’ll see… So, I really have no new pictures to share ’cause they’re still on the camera and I don’t want to pull them off until I know what we’re going to do…
BUT, what I am most thankful for this week… The kids have been going to Vacation Bible School this week… 9am-noon at one of the local churches (several churches get together and run it) the theme this year is “Pandamania: Where God is Wild About You” and they have had a BLAST!! Lots of fun activities, lots of singing and dancing… But (and how embarassing) I cry every time I pick them up… At the end of the day, they all go back to the main church together and sing the songs they learned and have a “rally” of sorts… It makes me cry every day… I’m not sure I can describe it… and I know I’m sappy that way anyway, but honestly… 100 kids of all ages (campers 1-6th grade plus older counselors) all singing in praise and dancing and laughing and having so much fun together… yup… I literally cry… have to put my sunglasses on to hide the actual tears… and today is the big ending… need tissues!!
Anyway… hopefully we’ll get the computer sorted out very soon… typing on the Mac (that I detest) at the moment… but I’d love to share some pics of my fabric creations… Hopefully soon!!!